Club Cricket

We provide opportunities for our membership to engage in competitive cricket with hard leather ball and proper cricket equipment. We participate in both inter-collegiate tournaments as well as regional club cricket leagues. Our home ground is Lohmann Park in Urbana, IL. Participation in the club team is by membership. From this year, our club cricket membership is split into two phases:

  • Spring: $25 for students and $50 for non-students. This gives the members access to indoor winter practices (guaranteed batting time for everyone at each practice) and any CCI games (as well as outdoor summer practices at Lohmann Park) until 31st May. In addition, UIUC students and alumni are eligible to be part of the CCI team for the NCCA intercollegiate nationals in Houston, TX being held from March 18-22 (Spring Break).
  • Summer: $100 for students and $150 for non-students (both get $25 off if getting both winter and summer). Can participate in all CCI games, other than NCCA nationals. We are expecting our season to start in April and go until September. The overlap with the winter membership is intentional.

Please contact us to join the competitive team and follow our facebook page to stay up to date with our fixtures.

Summer Season

During the Summer season, we participate in club cricket leagues in the region. All games are played with either the red or white leather ball. Our primary participation is in the MPCL cricket leagues. Last year, CCI made it to the semi-finals of the T30 league. In the past, we have also participated in other club cricket leagues in the Mid-West region.

During the Summer, we practice at Lohmann Park in Urbana, IL every Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30pm.


We affiliate with the National College Cricket Association. We are participating in the NCCA Nationals during Spring Break 2020, March 18-22, in Houston, TX. If you are a UIUC student or alum interested in being part of the team, please send us an email.

Winter Practices

We have winter practices, with the leather ball, in February and March at The Cage batting facility in Champaign, IL on Thursday and Saturday evenings. The batting cages allow the players to stay in-form during the off season.